"Health problems"
by English activities 

Let`s review vocabulary related to some health problems. Have you feel sick laslty?

Vamos a repasar vocabulario relacionado a algunos problemas de salud. 
Te has sentido enfermo ultimamente?


English activities. (2014, February 21). Health problems in English Learn English Lessons - Beginner vocabulary.[video file]. Retrieved from

"The dentist" by Bryant Oden

I want to share with you a song that teaches an important message. This song includes vocabulary related to the dentist that you need learn. Also it teaches  you to not make fun  of your classmates when  someone has gone to the dentist.

En esta ocasion quiero compartir con ustedes una cancion que enseña un importante mensage. Esta cancion incluye vocbulario relacionado al dentista que ustedes necesitan aprender. Ademas te enseña que no debes burlarte de tus compañeros especialmente  cuando alguien ah ido al dentista.

Oden, B. [songdrops] , (2009, January 1). Funny kids song: The Dentist Song: A funny song for kids and everyone. [ video file]. Retrieved from

 "The breakfast song"

Music & Vocals: Cheng Jin An

Lyrics: Wilson Ng

Which is the most important meal of the day?

a) Lunch                 b) Dinner               c) Breakfast 

Read, listen to and sing this song!

¿Cual es la comida mas importante del dia?

a) Almuerzo              b) Cena             c) Desayuno

Lee, escucha y canta esta canción!

 Jin, Ch. A. & Ng,  W. [Rise & Shine] , (2013, March 2). The breakfast song.[video file]. Retrieved from

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